Are you getting stuck while doing the escape room? Of course this can happen.
Below you can find the hints that will help you if you can’t figure it out on your own.
If you think that there are items missing from the box, press “items in the box”. Only do this if you truly think items are missing.
Items in the box
Loose in the box
Letter from Abby Stone
Tips QR Code
Documentary Evidence map 1
Police/incident report (puzzle on the back)
1 luggage tags
2 photos of airplanes
Documentary Evidence map 2
Photos of passengers
Sandra Merril
Jason Santoro
Austin Carey
Christy Reed
Nancy Handler
Avery Stone
Lauren Carey
Matthew Porter
Flight Manifest
Documentary Evidence map 3
Red glass glasses
Passenger Meal Chart/Order
Menu Card
Flight Crew Accident/Report
James Willet
Krista Swanson
Robert Benson
Documentary Evidence map 4
The New York Times
Start of the game
Where must we start
– Open the box and follow the steps in the letter of Abbey Stone.
Luggage tag
Hint 1
– Use the luggage tag from the bag with Evidence 1 written on it and scan the QR code and watch the video.
Hint 2
– Can you decipher the word ZRIKZMW
- The word that you are looking for is AIRPLANE AIRPLANE
Airplane photo’s
Hint 1
- Look at the back of the photos with Evidence 2/1 and 2/2.
Hint 2
- What must be inserted on the lines between N and LF?
Hint 3
- Closely examine the photo of the plane.
If you look on the back of the photo of the airplane seats, then you can see N _ _ _ LF. On the airplane the following combination of letters and numbers can be read: N543LF. 543 must be put on lines, this is the only right answer.
Questioning Of Suspects Part 1
Hint 1
- Watch the video till the end.
- At the end of the video the following is stated:‘’Open Documentary Evidence map 2’’ You may now open this map..
Police/Incident report
Hint 1
- Place the coaster (Evidence 3/2) at the back of the Police/Incident report (Evidence 3/1).
Hint 2
- Take a good look at the Signature of Reporting Officer.
- If you took a good look at the Signature of Reporting Officer, ‘+ * $’ can be observed. If you lay the coasters next to each other so that the # is next to the # and you take the numbers at the place where ‘+ * $’ is written then the numbers 516 are the relevant numbers.
Flight Manifest
Hint 1
- Cut the passenger photos from Evidence 4/2 and 4/3 which lay on the ground and put them in the order of how they were seated in the airplane, seen on Evidence 4/1.
Hint 2
- Turn the photo’s and observe the resulting number.
- If you put the numbers in the right order than the outcome is one-twelve-four-sixty, so 112460
Airplane Control
Hint 1
- Take a look at the subtitles of the video.
Hint 2
- Do you see the letters in bold from minute 0.44.
- L-A-N-D is written in bold, this is the next code that you are looking for..
Passenger Mealchart/orders
Hint 1
- Take a look at the planes which can be found on Evidence 6/1
Hint 2
- Lay the planes in the right order on the menu card (Evidence 6/2) and look at the colors.
- The green plane with 1 on it, points to the green 9
The red plane with 2 on it, points to the red 6
The blue plane with 3 on it, points to the blue 1
Evidence 7/3 Found secret numbers.
Hint 1
- Old manner of texting.
Hint 2
- 222 is the C.
Hint 3 (watch out, spoilers!)
- Chemical formula can be read on the letter that was found.
Hint 4
- Observe the Flight Manifest (Evidence 7/1) with the red glasses (Evidence 7/2) and call the number.
Hint 5
- What is the chemical formula of chloroform.
- The chemical formula of chloroform is CHCL3.CHCL3
New York Times
Hint 1
- Find the underlined letters and make a sentence.
Hint 2
- Find out what Otten Dorf Cipher is and handle this on the “Police still looking for drive in fatal hit and run accident” article.
- The first paragraph, second word and second letter in the Hit and Run article is T
- The ninth paragraph, fourth word and fourth letter from the Hit and Run article is O
- The tenth paragraph, fourth word and second letter from the Hit and Run article is R
The first paragraph, fourth word and first letter from the Hit and Run article is N
Moment of arrest
Hint 1
- Take the fill in sheet in the video from Lauren Carey and complete the sheet with the symbols and numbers from the next videos.
Hint 2
- In the video of Matthew Porter you can find the right series of symbols.
Hint 3
- Calculate the value of every symbol.
Hint 4 (watch out, spoilers!)
- The star has a value of 3.
- The star has a value of 3
- The circle has a value of 6
- The rectangle has a value of 5
- The triangle has a value of 2
- Start, Circle, Triangle = 362
Arrest Warrant
Hint 1
Read the Police Still Looking for Driver in Fatal Hit and Run Accident.
Hint 2
Watch the video from Jason Santoro.
Hint 3 (watch out, spoilers!)
Kenneth Swanson has been hit by a red sports car with white stripes and red LED lights, and died from his wounds. Avery stone tells to Jason Santoro that he has a red sports car
Hint 4
Who has the same last name as Kenneth? Could they reach for his drinks and could they get chloroform inside the plane?
- Kelsey Swanson works as a TSA-agent at the airport and is the sister of Krista Swanson, who is a stewardess on flight 9201, which explains how the stewardess could get the poison inside the plane. The city where the poison originated from, is the same as the city where the stewardess came from. The stewardess has poisoned Avery Stone by pouring chloroform in her drink, and her sister, the TSA-agent, is her partner in crime. The motive of the sisters is that their father has died at a collision with the red sports car, Avery’s sports car. In the article it is stated that the man who was a victim of a hit and run has the same last name as the stewardess and her sister.
(Krista Swanson) 236589 + (Kelsey Swanson) 236856 = 473445